On the 1st of February 2022, a kick-off meeting of a new and first, UZG-led INHEAL project was held online, gathering representatives of all 4 partners involved.
During the first meeting, all the partners had a chance to introduce themselves and their organizations, and discuss the first steps and deadlines of the project with an emphasis on the first deliverable.
The primary objective of the project is to tackle the issue of low health literacy levels among seniors in the V4 countries. It intends to bridge this gap by gathering and sharing all the instruments and practices existing in the V4 countries. The project is geared towards innovation with the help of ICT (Information, Communication, Technology) solutions and methods.
Within the INHEAL project, 3 Products will be developed:
– Country research and analysis to identify the gaps and learning needs of senior citizens’ in accessing health information and services and make an inventory of the existing measures, policies, and practices adopted at the national level to enhance it.
–Common innovative and health-improving methodology selecting successful practices, innovative methods, and tools aimed at increasing health literacy and previously identified from the partners’ analyses. The methodology will come along with guidelines for the caregivers on passing the knowledge to the seniors in working in organizations associating seniors.
–User-friendly and accessible online platform that will serve as an educational tool for all V4 countries and beyond, containing the methodology as well as fundamental information related to health and innovative methods. The platform will be available in English and in the languages of the participating countries.

Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International
Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for
sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.