PHILIP’s 4th Newsletter is available in English here and in Czech here.
Last Transnational Project Meeting
On the 23rd of January 2024 in Perugia, Italy, project partners from the 6 different Countries gathered for the last Transnational Project Meeting. The discussions focused on finalizing the remaining project steps, evaluating the status of information dissemination efforts, addressing the completion of the final report, and laying out plans for future endeavors. This meeting… Pokračovat ve čtení Last Transnational Project Meeting
PHILIP 3rd Newsletter
PHILIP’s 3rd Newsletter is available in English here and in Czech here.
PHILIP 2nd Newsletter
PHILIP’s 2nd Newsletter is available in English here and in Czech here.
PHILIP 1st Newsletter
PHILIP’s 1st Newsletter is available in English here and in Czech here.
PHILIP Multiplier Event
On October 30, 2023, Prague organized a Multiplier Event for the PHILIP project, led by Ústav pro zdravotní gramotnost, z.ú. Principals, teachers, pedagogical and non-pedagogical staff of primary schools, policymakers, decision-makers, and other relevant public sector representatives gathered. Their presence brought diverse perspectives and experiences to the gathering, fostering a collaborative and knowledge-sharing atmosphere. The… Pokračovat ve čtení PHILIP Multiplier Event
Project Result 3: Creation and piloting of educational modules
The third goal of the PHILIP project is to develop training materials and educational modules on health literacy for 11-15-year-old students. These resources, based on national analyses and the teachers‘ book, aim to empower educators to effectively teach essential health skills in the classroom. The creation process of the training materials and educational modules is… Pokračovat ve čtení Project Result 3: Creation and piloting of educational modules
Final Conference – INHEAL
On 26 and 27 September 2023, INHEAL final meeting took place in Prague, where the representatives of the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia met in person for the first time. The internal meeting held on the first day allowed project partners to engage in comprehensive discussions regarding their experiences in preparing the methodology and conducting… Pokračovat ve čtení Final Conference – INHEAL Téměř polovina Čechů má omezenou zdravotní gramotnost, ukázal průzkum
Téměř polovina Čechů má omezenou zdravotní gramotnost, ukázal průzkum
Proměny postojů a chování české veřejnosti ve vztahu k pandemii COVID-19
Tisková konference ze dne 10. února 2021, uspořádaná ve spolupráci ÚZG, ČLS-JEP, WHO a 1. LF UK