Project Result 1: Country analysis

The first phase of PHILIP project implementation consists of conducting specific national research in each partner country involved, respectively: Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, and Spain.

Activity 1: Quantitative research among pupils 11-15 years old.

Under the guidance of the Italian lead partner TUCEP, all partners have prepared and translated a questionnaire for pupils aged 11-15, with the help of which the partners will find out the level of health literacy of pupils in partner countries and weaknesses that will need to be addressed within the creation of educational modules. After sharing the questionnaire with primary schools and collected data, partners have summarized the results in national reports (available in English).

Activity 2: Qualitative research.

Following the quantitative research, the partner organizations mediated at least 3 in-depth interviews with relevant stakeholders of the project such as pediatricians, educators, school psychologists, pedagogical psychological counseling centers, and other relevant representatives of the health sector. This activity was planned to ensure the direct involvement of the target group already at the beginning of the project implementation to analyze the state of art concerning health literacy among children. Interviews with representatives of various sectors of the health sector enabled partners to gain several perspectives and relevant views on the issues to be addressed. Partners have summarized the results in national reports (available in English).

Activity 3: Country research report.

The third and last activity of Project Result 1, is a country research report which has been created by TUCEP. The report includes the main results of both types of research made by each partner organization. The aim of the output is to prepare a summary where the main findings and conclusions can be gathered.

Based on the up-to-date transnational report, partners may estimate the real competences and knowledge, as well as information needs, training demands, and existing opportunities of the target group in their countries. This report will give the basis of the project needs in the partner countries.

Please, check the project website to have access to the Transnational Report in English and in all languages, here: